Friday 9 December 2016

The Green Book Introduction

This is a story about my father. For some years he suffered from Alzheimer’s disease. Towards the end he didn’t even know who he was, and he certainly didn’t remember me. The story of his life had become full of blank pages, and so I found myself desperately wanting to fill them up, before he slipped away forever.
My father wasn’t an easy man to deal with. He wasn’t one to express his feelings. I never knew what he was thinking, and what he thought of me. This little story is my way of talking to that part of him that was never truly revealed to me.
The story is called, ‘The Green Book,’ and it has been written for the Green Room. I have divided the story into three parts, and today I’m going to send you the first instalment.
The second and the third part will follow shortly. However, the third part – the ending - will be a little different. There are three possible endings to this story, and you will see all of them. Which ending will you prefer? And your students? Well, that is for you to decide.
I would just like to add that this story is very much a work in progress. I think it would be wonderful to collaborate with you to improve it, and to turn it into a story that you can tell your students. I have tried to pitch the level at more or less B1. However, I realise that there is still work to do, and questions to ask. For example, the introduction might be a little tricky for your students. When I re-read a book. I am often transported back in time, to when I last read it. I remember what I was doing, where I was, and how I was feeling. This personal memory is sometimes clearer to me than the content of the original story. Does this ever happen to you? Does a book that you love ever tell you your own story?
There are also a few items of vocabulary that might be difficult. What words need to be pre-taught, put into a glossary, or changed in some way?  I have also occasionally used the past perfect tense. Do you think that I should change this? Is it too challenging for B1 level? Finally, when I send the third part, you can choose the ending you prefer.
I would be happy to receive your feedback. In this way, maybe we can work on the Green Book together, in our Green Room.

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