Monday 9 January 2017

The Green Book Part 2

One morning as usual I got ready for school. Dad had to go to work and we had a quick breakfast. Usually we ate in silence, but that morning he said to me,
‘Michael, at the weekend I’m cleaning out the garage. There’s too much stuff in there and it’s time to sort it out. Have a look in there before the weekend. I don’t want to throw away anything you might need.’
‘Ok Dad,’ I said.  I was happy. It wasn’t much. But at least he had spoken to me about something.
That afternoon when I finished school, I went into the garage. It was dark, and cold and dirty. That’s why I never went in there. I looked around. The garage was full of boxes. Each box had a name written on it. I saw my boxes, and I picked one of them up. But then I saw another box. It had the name John written on it. John was my grandfather. I knew that I had to look at my boxes, but first I wanted to look inside my Grandfather’s box. I was curious. I didn’t know much about him. He had died before I was born.
I opened the box and started to look at his things. Each object told a story. I was fascinated. There was an old bus pass, and a wallet. I also found a pipe, a watch, and some playing cards. I looked at each thing carefully. I was really enjoying myself. They were things that came from another time. And then, just as I was about to stop and put the things back in the box, I saw it. At the bottom of the box, there it was. A Green Book.
I lifted the book carefully out of the box. It was very dusty. I cleaned it a little bit, and then I looked at the title. ‘The Railway Children’ I couldn’t believe it. My favourite book was Dad’s green book!


  1. This is the second part of the story that Michela and I told in Rome. If you have heard the story you will notice that there are some changes. I made the modifcations in order to pitch it at the right level. The attic has become the garage, and I have added some things to the box as extra vocabulary items.

  2. Suggestion: After reading this part you could invite your students to bring in an object that reminds them of their grandparents. Maybe they could even tell a story about it.
